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Ticket Policies


Fees and sales tax are included in the price of your ticket. There are no added fees, regardless of delivery or order method (#highfive).

Refund Policy

All sales are final and tickets are non-refundable. No exceptions.

Can't Use Your Ticket?

If you can’t attend a concert and you’re unable to find a friend who will gratefully use your ticket(s), you may exchange into another concert date (scroll down for more details on that), or you may donate your ticket(s) back to the Symphony no later than 5pm on Friday of the concert weekend. We will issue a tax-deductible donation receipt for your donation, and you will save us the cost of sales tax for what is now a donation. We’ll make every effort to re-sell your unused ticket. Please give us as much notice as possible.

If you fall ill the day of the performance, please call the Symphony Box Office at 316.267.7658. If we do not answer, please leave a voicemail with your name and phone number, and we will call you the next business day to make arrangements.

We are unable to accept unused tickets as donations after the concert has begun.

Lost Your Ticket?

No problem. We’ll reprint one for you at no charge. You can call the Symphony Box Office at (316) 267-7658 and we will hold it at will call, or you can go to the "Ticket Reprint" window when you arrive at the performance.

Exchange Policy

We understand that last-minute things come up, or a business trip gets scheduled out of town. If you are exchanging into a new concert, there is no exchange fee charged. If you are exchanging into a concert with higher ticket prices, you will be expected to pay the additional cost of the ticket. We will seat you as close to your original seat as possible.

Tickets will not be exchanged after the concert start time. Please call prior to the concert and leave a voicemail if we are unable to answer.

Discounted Tickets

Please Note: There are no discounts in Section F.
Student Rush Discounts

Student Rush Tickets go on sale the Monday before each performance, one ticket per valid student ID. They may be purchased by phone at 316.267.7658, in person at the WSO Box Office, or at the walk-up windows before the concert. All student tickets will be held at Will Call until a valid student ID is produced in person. Seat change requests cannot be accommodated on the day of the concert.

Military Discounts

50% discounts for all Masterworks concerts are available with a military ID the week of the performance, subject to availability. Please call the Box Office at 316.267.7658 for more information. Military discounts are available for Pops concerts on a case-by-case basis.

Senior Discounts

Beginning the Monday of a Masterworks performance, patrons ages 65+ may receive a 10% discount on request, excluding section F. All seats are subject to availability. Senior discounts for single tickets are not available for Pops concerts.

Group Discounts

For our Masterworks and Pops performances, we offer:

- 10% discount for groups of 15-24
15% discount for groups of 25+

Please contact the box office at 316.267.7658, or email, to arrange for group tickets.

Children at the Symphony

Only children who are mature enough to sit quietly during a concert, without disturbing their neighbors, should attend Wichita Symphony performances.  We recommend patrons with young children purchase seats near the aisle in case a restless child needs to be taken out of the concert hall during the performance. The Wichita Symphony reserves the right to ask any individuals who are disrupting fellow patrons or the concert setting to leave the hall.

All people, regardless of age, must have a ticket to attend the Wichita Symphony.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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